Dissemination activities of the EKT Project by the Spanish team

Dissemination activities of the EKT Project by the Spanish team

In the past weeks, the Spanish EKT team were carrying out different activities to disseminate the EKT Project. Some of these activities were global, presenting the project and its products, mainly the technological ones. Others were specifically focused on the dissemination of the designed methodology.

Proposals for papers at international congresses were submitted. Highlight: the proposal sent to SITE 2023, the 34th annual conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, New Orleans, entitled “EKT methodology: an open and collaborative strategy to facilitate school placements for future teachers”. The paper hich publishes the methodological framework developed: objectives, sequence and instruments. Attendees at this conference will primarily be teachers, researchers and educational institutions interested in creating and disseminating knowledge on the use of information technology in teacher education and development.

Another dissemination activity was implemented at University of La Coruña (Galicia-Spain) on 30 January. This activity was aimed at lecturers and student teachers of the Master Degree in Secondary School Teaching.


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