
EKT is a Knowledge Alliance for Higher Education in which six EU countries participate and in which eleven institutions with different profiles contribute to its work but which can be grouped under two main categories.
Our goal is to promote excellence in initial teacher training, so that we help overcome the false prejudice that understands that future teachers learn the skills necessary to exercise their profession naturally just by being placed in a school.
The partners in this consortium have years of experience in both educational and technological innovation and teacher training.
Educational Knowledge Transfer – EKT is a Knowledge Alliance for Higher Education, funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme. Eleven institutions with different profiles from six European countries participate. They can be in two main categories: On the one hand, educational institutions with responsibility in Initial Teacher Education (ITE), and on the other hand technology companies that offer services and resources for e-learning.

The project goal is to promote excellence in ITE by providing methodological and technological support to in-school placements of student teachers. The results of EKT effectively contribute to the improvement of practices in placements, which are a key element of ITE, and thus to a better preparation of future teachers.
After three and a half years, later than initially planned…
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