Final EKT Conference a great success
Final EKT Conference a great success
The final conference of the EKT Project – Smart Technologies for Innovation in Teacher Training – was held on 13 April 2023 in the auditorium of the Faculty of Education of the University of Santiago de Compostela and streamed online.
The conference generated a lot of attention. 352 students, teachers, school principals, researchers, teacher trainers, educators and managers of ITE institutions and e-learning practitioners from 52 nationalities registered for the event. In the end 112 persons participated in person , while 235 people attended online.
Different aspects of the project were presented in the plenary by the project coordinator, Ms. Carmen Fernández Morante and the EKT team. In the afternoon key results were discussed in more detail and contextualized in interactive, smaller workshops.
Overall, the interest in the EKT Methodology and EKT System was immense. This is not only documented by the size of the audience and the liveliness of the discussions, but also through the presence of several regional and national education authorities in the opening ceremony:
- Rector of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Mr. Antonio López Díaz.
- Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Education Sciences, Ms. Lorena Casal Otero.
- Director of the Research Group in Educational Technology of the USC, Ms. Beatriz Cebreiro López.
- Director of the Galician Supercomputing Center, Mr. Lois Orosa Nogueira.
- President of the National Conference of Deans and Deans of Education (CODE), Mr. Alfonso Javier García González.
- General Secretary of Universities, Mr. José Alberto Díaz de Castro.

All of them emphasized the relevance and importance of the work done by the EKT Project.
Student teachers, school mentors and academic mentors involved in school placements, who participated in the EKT pilot cycles, talked about their experiences, were thanked for their commitment and awarded in a ceremony.

Here are some more impressions from the event: